Cixi Middle School CCER PKU Math HKUST VisGraph HKUST CSE UBC Imager PKU HKUST UBC MPI Informatik MPG CityU
  What's New?
29/01/09: I started my academic career in the School of Creative Media, CityU.
22/11/08: As an Assistant Professor, I will join the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong at the end of January 2009.
I joined the Computer Graphics Department at MPII. As a post-doc, I will work at MPII for probably 1-2 years, really depending on when I could find a satisfactory permanent job.
After the GEOIDE annual scientific confereence held at Niagra Falls, Ontario, I visited the graphics group at the University of Toronto and gave a talk on shape orientation.
I have a paper on shape orientation accepted at SIGGRAPH 2008. MEMO on 08/08: After 7-week waiting, unfortunately, I wasn't able to get the US Visa. So I missed SIGGRAPH and my dear friends...
As a post-doc, I joined Alla's DGP group the University of British Columbia.
With Oscar, I co-presented our work on handle-aware isolines at SIGGRAPH 2007 (San Diego, USA). It's my first time to present my work at SIGGRAPH. Fantastic experience!!!
I presented our paper of hairstyle sketching at EG Workshop on Sketch-based Interfaces and Modeling 2007 (UC Riverside, USA).
Finally I defended my PhD thesis (title: Differential Methods for Intuitive 3D Shape Modeling), unfortunately, at the cost of being shortsighted. I had been working really hard for every single day of the last half year. Well, I had to get my PhD degree together with my first pair of eyeglasses (L: 175; R: 100).
I have a paper on hairstyle sketching accepted at SBIM 2007.
Fortunately, I defended my thesis proposal (title: Differential Methods for Intuitive 3D Shape Modeling).
Our SIGGRAPH paper has been released online. Please visit the project page.
My paper on implicit Lalacian mesh editing accepted by Computer Graphics Forum is now in print.
I have a paper on scalable differential mesh editing accepted at SIGGRAPH 2007.

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